High Availability For Private Clouds

Because private clouds are typically run on-premises, alongside traditional IT applications, businesses expect resiliency and reliability. OpenStack does not have those capabilities out of the box but Stratus can bring high availability to OpenStack.

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Can IBM Revitalize 8P with x86?

For years the 8P market has been in decline, primarily because these complex systems required significant R&D and long product cycles, falling behind business needs. IBM’s unique design enables a more modular and scalable 8P to address these challenges.

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HP Apollo 6000 and 8000 Advanced Cooling Solutions

Density compresses the problems with heat and makes it even more difficult to drive high performance. Optimal cooling can help to overcome this challenge, enabling both high performance without overtaxing the data center. HP’s advanced cooling solutions enable the Apollo 6000 and 8000 to deliver outstanding HPC performance. 

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Is “Scalable Blade” an Oxymoron?

Blade servers were designed for density, but many applications require vertical scalability in order to respond to increases in business. The IBM Flex System X6 is a family of compute nodes that enable this vertical scaling to tackle even the most complex applications.

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Pay Attention IT: A New Convergence is Afoot

Convergence is being driven by business needs – the idea that IT can live in stove pipes, content with their different domains is a fallacy that cannot last. Cisco sees a converged future for servers, networking and storage as the market shifts towards application centricity.

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